I”m still here. I don’t have much to say today except that after this short post I’m going to work on getting down my latest story idea so it looks like today I will finally do some writing. It feels good and I want to continue feeling good and productive.
Ah distractions, distractions
It’s so easy to allow any number of things to distract me and keep me from accomplishing the goals that I set for myself. Of course I always have very good reasons why my current distraction is important enough to keep me from what I should be doing, what I need to be doing. Writing. All week long I told myself that I’m too tired from working all day so I’ll spend the weekend writing. This past weekend instead of writing I spent the better part of the weekend looking up my family history on ancestry.com. I told myself that this is important because if all goes well the plan is to share all of what I found with my family as a gift to all of them for Christmas. That in itself isn’t a bad thing. It’s that I didn’t spend one minute writing. After telling myself all week that this was the weekend that I was going to begin to get these ideas out of my head and written down. With this lil blog I plan to make writing a habit. I want to make writing a need & not a want. I need to write today no matter how tired I may be. These stories don’t get to live and grow if I just keep them trapped in my head. I must allow them to escape and give them the freedom to discover the rest of their adventure and where their journey may lead them. I owe them that.
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It’s true
So here it is. My first blog post ever. I’ve got so many things that I want to write about. So many story ideas rolling around in my head and yet I seldom seem to get around to actually writing anything. Obviously because I’ve been distracting myself either on purpose or accidentally but to be honest it’s more on purpose. It’s because there is this underlying fear that if I actually make myself write these stories in my head that I’m going to find out that I am utter shit as a writer and that it was all just a silly notion. Well, I have the most amazing brother that I could ever hope to have & it is because of him that I am writing this now. Maybe this lil blog will help me to focus my energies into writing if I will finally address the fact that I have been deliberately distracting myself from doing something that is extremely important to me. So, every time I find myself distracted because I have to binge watch House of Cards on Netflix cuz well it’s just an awesome show & Kevin Spacey is amazing in it & I think every one should be watching it. Well you get the point. I love you Kevin Spacey but I need to be writing . I’m still gonna binge watch till I’m caught up but hopefully in between I’ll also get some writing done. 🙂
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